The Weird Little Girl

November 19, 2010

Once there was a young girl that could control the weather….because of this she was shunned by everyone for miles around. This wasn’t hard for her because she lived on the backside of a country stretch that was barren for miles in each direction. But all the same, the people recognized that she was decidedly different and although they would be nice to her face, often she was the topic of town gossip and called “the weird little girl”.

One day she met a boy who never spoke. He was shunned by everyone for miles around. They met upon a dusty hill behind the old run down windmill. The sun was setting and you could still smell the honey suckles in the air. The chance meeting caused the weird little girl to perk up from her otherwise dull evening. “Hi there!” she exclaimed when she saw him. He didn’t speak. “I said hi!” she said louder this time. While her frustration poured out of her a bolt of lightning split the sky followed by a clap of thunder. The boy, startled fell back unsure and worried. “I’m sorry!” she followed up immediately… She quickly learned the boy didn’t speak.

Although she did all of the talking, the two became quick friends. Every were the weird little girl went, you were sure to find the boy that didn’t speak. They could tell, between each other, that there was an unseen force connecting them somehow. The towns people hissed and gawked at the two. They discussed how inappropriate it was and how the two should be split up. This however did nothing to keep them apart. One day the weird little girl had a dream she could fly. Convinced that the dream was more of a prophecy she climbed up the town water tower. Although he tried, the boy who didn’t speak was powerless to stop her. He pulled at her to try and stop her, he stood in front of her, but she was determined.

At the top of the tower the weird little girl felt the wind on her face and closed her eyes. The sun in the sky shone brighter than it ever had while the low hanging clouds ushered in a cool breeze. She could see the entire rolling country side and the birds drifting along the current. She looked down at the boy who was violently waiving his arms in anxious panic. She just smiled reassuringly as she stepped out, and fell to the earth. As soon as she hit the ground the day turned to night. The cool breeze transformed into a haunted howl and rain drops began to fall like tears. The boy ran to her side. She reached up and touched his face. He smiled reassuringly as he whispered “I love you” in the ear of the weird little girl as she was taken from his life forever.

Seed of Sin

November 19, 2010

Pain of soul is greater than pain of body

An ache that takes your breath away

A self control that dictates your actions

Only will your heart betray

When it swells up inside

And the rivers begin to overflow

Thoughts run back to the peace once held

In the arms that have now let go

Curse the day that opened the door

And let this demon in

To sit and torture my own self

Within the seed of sin

Better it be to die the death

Than suffer the pain of it alive

And boil over with this passion

That’s stifled and deprived


October 14, 2010

Ten foot prison walls.
They no longer lock me in but keep me safe from what’s inside.
Every time I prick myself on the barb-wire it lets me know I’m still
I taste the blood.
Yet even when I walk away and the prison is out of sight…
I remember the cell that held me, and bound my soul so tight.
This stuff is mine, mine alone.
If I don’t want it, it’s my choice to throw it away.
To purge my spirit and make it all okay.
I have no use for these things.
These things.

Demon heart.

May 20, 2010

Once a man came to me and offered me a gift

He explained it was a wisdom of the heart

,And to my soul would bring a shift.

Thinking nothing of it, I accepted

(Curiosity I could not resist.)

I found this man, he told no lies

As I succumbed to the “soul shifting” gift of death

from this devil in disguise…

At once I beheld a demon wrapped around my heart
He hissed through his teeth as he squeezed tighter

While my spirit began to fall apart…

With red glowing eyes and yellow teeth

I could not break his bond

And the poison he placed within my veins

constrained me to the great beyond…

No words came to mind

As I watched in horror spell
while he crushed my essence

And dragged the rest to hell

It wasn’t until then that I saw an angels face

A ray of hope in this dismal place

I felt her heart beat, but for a moment’s embrace

“I didn’t know it could be like this…”

(The tears began my pain too erase.)

Yet when I reached for her I couldn’t tell

If her touch would extend

…Into my hell…

My demon heart

Unwilling to relent

As I crawled deeper

Into my shell.


The death of Ahab:

April 19, 2010

The bread and water of affliction
Payment for the truth be told
A lying spirit of peace and safety
Yet destruction shall your bosom hold.

A disguise for your self preservation
Shall beget your own lamentation.
A deception blinding only yourself

The arrow pierces both body and soul
The pain brings a strong dose of reality
An attempt to flee the battle
Proves to be vanity of vanities.

Pulling your hand away
You find it full of blood
Torment in the evening tide
As death approaches like a flood.

Echo’s past

April 16, 2010

I spoke to the echo’s of the past until my lips grew numb…she told me she was death to most and yet a love to some.

I reached into the future until my bones began to wane…plagued by my uncertainty it’s mysteries I could not attain.

I looked at the ground were I was standing and I began to weep…my heart so undeserving but God my soul will keep.

(C) DC

The Slaughter of Souls

April 16, 2010

Can’t you see the fire falling from the sky?
…the slaughter of souls is upon us.
Judge and jury, your execution day is nigh…
Running from yourself you cannot hide.
Amoral, unjust – melt into your own demise…
Enjoy the nightmare you’ve created…
Is it to late for you to see, it the mirrors reflection you do despise?


April 16, 2010

Blood runs cold with remorse and shame

A self reproach that would set a heart aflame

“What times we had” a convincing voice begins to say

But cruel is this master of realities dismay

She reaches out to innocence and falls but inches away

The promises start to melt and she begins to pray

With each tear she cries she begins to realize

He was never the one he claimed to be

A life of death set on a stage of years

Passing by what seems to be an ill fated mystery

Existing, not living from day to day

A refrain from a tarnished history



April 16, 2010

I lift my head and scream a silent shout of agony,

It rattles my senses with the blissful sound of euphony,

As angel wings begin to brush against my face…

Stinging my eyes with tears it splits my lip and rips my vocal cords,

In violent fervor I press toward the multitude standing between me and my reward,

The weapons I hold pierce and shred asunder… 

The shivers that run down my spine let me know I’m still alive,

Losing is not an option for my heart is anchored in my will to survive,

Fear losing its grasp as purpose becomes my courage…

For this anguish and travail is both joy and pain,

With everything to lose and everything to gain,

Endure or die is my hymn as I step into the heat of the fire…

My mind perceives its freedom and leads my soul to devotion,

Finding spiritual synchronicity my affections swell with emotion,

For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption…


titled: boring.

April 16, 2010

When subject matter is void and a pattern of unknowingness dominates the mind

And shallow hedonism controls your dogma

The pit of pleasure seeking will override your self-respect

And the utter despair of hopeless dejection drains your existence from itself

When life is death and death is life

And your carnal flesh demonstrates its mortality

What will you find at end of days?

And who will speak the pleasure of your youth?

Cthulu raises to becomes your destroyer

And your voice echo’s down the never-ending abyss

Your inconsistent lies brought to light and exposed

Finite destiny is fulfilled in one unsuspecting moment

We must fight against the stream of trends and battle the prevalent state of mind

The poisons of the masses are irresolute and sinking sand

Absolution is found by breaking the bonds of decadence

Peace of mind and body and soul in one accord with the world around itself