Archive for April, 2010

The death of Ahab:

April 19, 2010

The bread and water of affliction
Payment for the truth be told
A lying spirit of peace and safety
Yet destruction shall your bosom hold.

A disguise for your self preservation
Shall beget your own lamentation.
A deception blinding only yourself

The arrow pierces both body and soul
The pain brings a strong dose of reality
An attempt to flee the battle
Proves to be vanity of vanities.

Pulling your hand away
You find it full of blood
Torment in the evening tide
As death approaches like a flood.

Echo’s past

April 16, 2010

I spoke to the echo’s of the past until my lips grew numb…she told me she was death to most and yet a love to some.

I reached into the future until my bones began to wane…plagued by my uncertainty it’s mysteries I could not attain.

I looked at the ground were I was standing and I began to weep…my heart so undeserving but God my soul will keep.

(C) DC

The Slaughter of Souls

April 16, 2010

Can’t you see the fire falling from the sky?
…the slaughter of souls is upon us.
Judge and jury, your execution day is nigh…
Running from yourself you cannot hide.
Amoral, unjust – melt into your own demise…
Enjoy the nightmare you’ve created…
Is it to late for you to see, it the mirrors reflection you do despise?


April 16, 2010

Blood runs cold with remorse and shame

A self reproach that would set a heart aflame

“What times we had” a convincing voice begins to say

But cruel is this master of realities dismay

She reaches out to innocence and falls but inches away

The promises start to melt and she begins to pray

With each tear she cries she begins to realize

He was never the one he claimed to be

A life of death set on a stage of years

Passing by what seems to be an ill fated mystery

Existing, not living from day to day

A refrain from a tarnished history



April 16, 2010

I lift my head and scream a silent shout of agony,

It rattles my senses with the blissful sound of euphony,

As angel wings begin to brush against my face…

Stinging my eyes with tears it splits my lip and rips my vocal cords,

In violent fervor I press toward the multitude standing between me and my reward,

The weapons I hold pierce and shred asunder… 

The shivers that run down my spine let me know I’m still alive,

Losing is not an option for my heart is anchored in my will to survive,

Fear losing its grasp as purpose becomes my courage…

For this anguish and travail is both joy and pain,

With everything to lose and everything to gain,

Endure or die is my hymn as I step into the heat of the fire…

My mind perceives its freedom and leads my soul to devotion,

Finding spiritual synchronicity my affections swell with emotion,

For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption…


titled: boring.

April 16, 2010

When subject matter is void and a pattern of unknowingness dominates the mind

And shallow hedonism controls your dogma

The pit of pleasure seeking will override your self-respect

And the utter despair of hopeless dejection drains your existence from itself

When life is death and death is life

And your carnal flesh demonstrates its mortality

What will you find at end of days?

And who will speak the pleasure of your youth?

Cthulu raises to becomes your destroyer

And your voice echo’s down the never-ending abyss

Your inconsistent lies brought to light and exposed

Finite destiny is fulfilled in one unsuspecting moment

We must fight against the stream of trends and battle the prevalent state of mind

The poisons of the masses are irresolute and sinking sand

Absolution is found by breaking the bonds of decadence

Peace of mind and body and soul in one accord with the world around itself



April 16, 2010

With passion and warfare – blood and of tears… Freedom is purchased with pain and of fears. A look to the distance – a longing heart… A map of the future unable to chart. Power, seduction, a false sense of pride – the sacrifice of your soul in form of slow suicide. A deliverer mankind powerless to see, but what profit hath the man to own the world and lose eternity? 

The love for one’s self is the destroyer. Your self inflected blindness will be your undoing, for a light is made available to the darkness. Put down your pride and open your eyes, the true love you shunned was you that you despised. Unable to see, unable to see – the pit you’ve dug in the midst of a darkened night is only rivaled by the blackness of your heart. This isn’t what you want, but what you’ve earned – the payment for your fallacy. 

A near inconceivable thought is one of you forging me, for scarcely is an ounce of forgiveness for myself a thought in me. Yet if this forgiveness be true let me be also, to perhaps liberate myself from this trench of sorrow. For something this unimaginable, though it be far from even myself – to lose would destroy irreparably. This destruction would, above all and without shadow of doubt, be inconceivable… My fate and your mercy, entwined inseparably.


Increaseth in knowledge:

April 16, 2010

Guilty heart torn by my own pride

Spiraling down a travesty slide

Overwhelmed by my own frustrating inability

To line up to societies conformity

An outcast among outcasts

Of the collectively inept

I point my compass south

And my fate I do accept

Double meanings and words that confound

The mask of happiness in tears begins to drown

Confusion reigns my heart and soul

This life of death is my black hole.

A parable of grief and devastation

Has become my dearest possession

Knowledge has become my curse

A self mockery in my regression



April 16, 2010

I tore at my face to remove the cast that covered it

To break the conformity that was forced upon me

And as my hands pooled with the blood of my own desire

My sweat and tears reflected the very pit and mire

My own flesh under my nails as I claw in anguish

As my mortality shook like a leaf in the wind

My dreams were shed, my fears increased, hope was thinned.

Then like a crack of thunder, a bolt of light that breaks the night sky

A beam of hope pierced my soul, my ruin to deny

While pain of desperation, my despair taking hold on me

My thoughts: is it possible a shattered life to repair?

Or is death my final stop, and the beginning of misery

The clock approaches midnight and decisions must be made

Yet I put my mask back on again and join this life’s parade.

And behold the masks of those around me, in the devils masquerade.

(C) DC

Shallow souls

April 16, 2010

The torment I feel inside is only equaled by the tears I’ve cried.

Passionate embrace of old still burns white hot but seems ice cold.

It tears at my heart and rips bleeding chunks from my soul.

Why can’t I walk away?

Please comfort me with lies that all will be okay…

I can no longer tread the path of the dead.

I must exhume myself from this pit of sorrows grave.

Dirt under my nails as I claw at the cage above,

Screams of determination mixed with pain, and love.

As the breath of life brings a fire to my eye

The sinews of flesh animate this dead mans cry

It comes in waves and I ready myself for this fight.

The hairs on my neck at attention as I stay my ground till morning light

The approaching enemy like a fool to slaughter continues its advance.

I bury myself in rage and release this hypnotic trance.

My confidence is not misplaced.

I see red

As blood flows down my face, but not my own.

Penance you cannot afford as I destroy what you sought to steal from me.

You can’t kill what’s already dead.

And the life you thought you had is now hanging by a thread

You beg

Don’t look at me with sorrows eyes it won’t buy you any time

Feel sorry for yourself and not for me you can’t bind that which is free

Remorse is not given to thee how fitting that you still can’t see

That it’s liquid black and empty in the pool of shallow souls